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St Andrew's Oakington

Are you new to the church or the area? If so, you are very welcome! Please check out our New to Church page which has some helpful information for you.  Come and join us.

We are a community of people who believe that church is where we can see God at work in our lives by the transforming power and presence of the Holy Spirit, where we can find acceptance, friendship and be as 'family' together.


Life at our Church

Upcoming Featured Events

Sunday Morning Service
28 July 10:00am – 11:30am
Sunday Evening Service
28 July 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Wednesday Fellowship
31 July 10:15am – 11:30am
View the calendar
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

The following information is for those planning a first visit to church, so that you know beforehand, what to expect on arrival. On Sundays we have two services one at 10.00am, our family service, and one at 5.00pm which is a more formal Holy Communion service.

Where and When

For your first visit to either service, we recommend arriving 10-15 minutes before the services start to ensure you find an on-street parking space if needed and find somewhere to sit before the service begins. When you arrive, you will be greeted by a member of our Welcome Team.

After the 10.00am services we serve tea, coffee and biscuits in our church hall. It is a great way to meet people, and ask any questions. All refreshments are free.

Accessibility: There is wheelchair access through the porch entrance at the right hand side of the church. The toilets are in the hall just next to the church.

Our Services

The morning service begins at 10am with a welcome from one of our team members. Then follows a time of sung worship, led by our band, lasting approximately 20 minutes. Sometimes a person might pray out loud or read a small passage from the bible. Sometimes people share things that they believe God is saying to the whole church family. This might seem strange the first time you hear it but it’s all part of our connecting with God. We may share news and notices about what’s going on in the life of the church. A member of our fellowship will lead us in prayers.  One of our leaders will then give a sermon that is bible based and that we can apply to our everyday life. We then finish with a final worship song which may be accompanied by our vicar on the organ.  There is always an opportunity to receive prayer at the end of the service.

The evening services follow the Church of England liturgy with hymns of praise accompanied by music on the organ.  Everyone is welcome at this service. No refreshments are served.

What about my children?

Children stay with their parent or grown-up at the start of the 10.00am service for the welcome, songs and notices to worship God all together as a family. After this it’s time for the younger members to go to the hall. You will need to go with your children at a first visit to register them as part of our child safety policy.

The childrens activities vary depending on the age but they will find a friendly welcome, and bible stories, testimonies, praying, music, craft, drama, etc. Please pick your children up as soon as the service finishes.

Getting Connected:

Small Groups

While Sundays are a great opportunity to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our small groups helps you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have groups that meet throughout the week, some mornings and some evenings. Check out Small Groups and see if there’s one that you could join, or we can put you in touch with a group leader who will be more than happy to invite you along to their group.

Serving and Volunteering

Once you have settled into our church life and family you may feel called to serve in some way. This may be in the spiritual life of the church or in the practical realm which keeps us running smoothly and not just on Sundays.

Other Ministries

We also have the following ministries:

  • Men's Ministries
  • Overseas Missions
  • Bell ringing